Saturday, August 20, 2011

ECOCITY World Summit 2011

ECOCITY World Summit 2011

The 9th edition of the Ecocity world summit will take place August 22-26, 2011 in Montreal, Canada. Over 1,00 participants representing more than 70 countries will attend.

The conference will have 6 interconnecting themes: 

Climate Change and the ecocity

Ecomobility, Urban Planning, Public Space

Governance and Democracy in the Ecocity

Economics of the Ecocity

Health and the Built Environment

Biodiversity and Urban Agriculture

There will be also 6 conference tracks

Conference Tracks

1. Northern climate cities: Ecocity policy, planning and design

2. Re-building better in Haiti and other post-disaster zones

3. Ecocity Montréal

4. Community engagement/citizen and youth participation

5. Measuring ecocity progress: indicators, standards and best practices

6. Cleantech for Ecocities

A number of exibitors will showcase technologies and innovations related to urban ecology, as well as special innovative initiatives.

Here is the link to the Ecocity website.

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