Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ECOCITY: Edible Campus

Montreal: McGill University

The project on the McGill University campus is organized by Sentropol Roulant, the non-profit organization mentioned in the article - post below. Sentropol Roulant use the produce for their meals-on-wheals service. The vegetables grown on the campus grounds become part of the landscaping, a point of attraction. This edible growth changes the austere scenery of the surrounding concrete and the monotony of the uniformly cut grass.

Montreal: UQAM

The grounds where the food is grown at the university UQAM are more tranquil than the open spaces of the McGill University. The production scale is also much smaller. Yet it presents an oasis of vegetation that one seldom sees in a mega-city's downtown.




Also notice the discreet placement of composting bins.


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